You're not watching Jamie Foxx, you're watching Ray Charles....
Published on January 30, 2005 By eventide82 In Misc
Oh man. Saw 'Ray' last night and can't believe how phenomenal it was. I can't even think of any words to praise it. Just go and see it okay? Go. Right now. Turn off your computer and get the hell out of your house/office/wherever. Just go.

In unrelated news, we have a treadmill sitting in our lounge room waiting to be assembled, but it's one of those crappy ones that isn't electrical, you have to make the belt move yourself. What a joke. Why even bother? Don't manufacturers know that people want things that force them to exercise rather than the other way around? I much rather have to keep up with the treadmill's pace at the gym rather than have to force this archaic one to move at 1 mile per hour and get no where fast. It's ridiculous!

By the way, can anyone tell me from personal experience which software package is better, Final Draft or Movie Magic Screenwriter before I invest in one myself? I've decided to start writing seriously and have heard good things about each of these, so some advice will be much appreciated.

Here endeth the post.

on Jan 31, 2005
We have a treadmill like that at home. It gets used to hang clothes on. The treadmill is a bizarre idea to begin with. Hmm let's create a substitute for a footpath that you have to pay for. Unless you live in a really bad neighbourhood I don't really see the point.