On my way to work this morning I drove past a heavily pregnant woman who was puffing away on a cigarette. At first I thought "maybe she's just really fat in the stomach area", but on closer inspection I decided that she really was pregnant. I don't get it, what excuse do they have to justify smoking when they're expecting a baby? Maybe it was just a moment of weakness and it was the only cigarette she's had during her pregnancy, but how do I know that? And with all the facts they now have...
A guy came into our office yesterday who is I guess what people could call a metrosexual. Well dressed, not bad looking, but overly confident and a little bit annoying. We have polished floorboards in our office and the thing that struck me as funny was that while he was walking around the heels on his shoes clacked around the way a woman in high heeled boots would. What really made me notice is that for a short guy, he had quite a heavy tread, made even more so by the noise of his shoes. May...
Oh man. Saw 'Ray' last night and can't believe how phenomenal it was. I can't even think of any words to praise it. Just go and see it okay? Go. Right now. Turn off your computer and get the hell out of your house/office/wherever. Just go. In unrelated news, we have a treadmill sitting in our lounge room waiting to be assembled, but it's one of those crappy ones that isn't electrical, you have to make the belt move yourself. What a joke. Why even bother? Don't manufacturers know that peop...